Here’s What’s Happening in March!

Let’s Shake Off Winter Folks, It’s Time For Renewal and Regeneration. (2025)

With the approach of Spring, people are emerging from their Winter cocoons and embracing bright colors, cheerful prints, and floral scents. Spring Cleaning and whole house recharging will be on our minds, as will garden planning, seed planting and chicken raising.

Here are some dates:

March is Women’s History Month - The theme for 2025, as organized by the National Women’s History Alliance is "Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations". This theme recognizes the influence of women who have dedicated their lives to education, mentorship, and leadership. 

World Candle Day: Sat, March 1 - a day to appreciate the art of candle making, and the ambiance candles bring to our lives. 

Oscar Ceremony: Sun, March 2 Watch the red carpet before and get your “get the look” posts ready for social media :-)

World Wildlife Day: Mon, March 3 - created by the United Nations, World Wildlife Day is a day to celebrate wild animals and plants.

National Dress Day: Thurs, March 6 and is a day to celebrate femininity, empowerment, and looking fabulous. 

International Women’s Day: Sat, March 8 - The theme for 2025 “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.”

Daylight Savings Time: Sun, Mar 9 - Spring forward an hour at midnight! This may be the last time in the US as lawmakers mull whether to do away with our farmer friendly time change habit.

Full Moon Fri, March 14 at 2:55 AM Eastern Time - Worm Moon PLUS a total lunar eclipse, also known as a "Blood Moon”

International Pi Day: Fri, Mar 14

St Patrick’s Day: Mon, March 17 - how many shades of green will you see?

First Day of Spring: Thur, Mar 20 - start your countdown clocks now!

National Fragrance Day: Fri, March 21 - predict the trends and mention your bestsellers!

Look Ahead to:

Earth Day: Tue, Apr 22

Mother’s Day: Sun, May 11

Kentucky Derby: Sat, May 3

Cinco de Mayo: Mon, May 5

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse: A total lunar eclipse on March 13-14, 2025, will be visible across Earth's night side from around midnight till 6am. During this event, the lunar surface will turn reddish for 65 minutes — a phenomenon often dubbed a "blood moon."

Flower Festivals:

National Cherry Blossom Festival: March 20 - April 13, Washington D.C.

Bluebonnet Festival: April 11-13, 2025 - Burnet, Texas

Poppy Festival: April 25-27 - Lancaster, CA

Nantucket Daffodil Festival: April 24 - 27 Nantucket Island

North Carolina Azalea Festival: April 2-6, 2025

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival: April 1 to April 30

Rochester Lilac Festival: May 9-18


Bird of the Month: Robin

BirthStone(s): Aquamarine and Bloodstone. 

Zodiac Signs: Pisces February 19–March 20 // Aries March 21 to April 19

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