Here are some interesting dates coming up to mark on your marketing calendar.
It’s the beginning of August and heatwaves and beach days are most likely your reality. Here are some great internet holidays coming up to post about over the next few weeks.
August is all about transitioning from Summer to Winter!
What’s Happening in August:
August 8: International Cat Day
August 9: Book Lovers Day
August 15: 55th Anniversary of Woodstock
August 17: National Bee Day
August 17: National Thrift Shop Day
August 19: Full Moon (Sturgeon Moon) is a Blue Moon: occurs when there are four full moons in a single astronomical season, instead of the usual three. There will not be another Blue Moon until May 31, 2026
August 19: Coco Chanel’s Birthday
August 30: National Beach Day
Post on Social:
End of Summer
Back to School
Dorm Room Decorating
Beat the Heat Ideas (the hottest days of the year are in August)
Pitch to Media:
Autumn Style
Halloween Decorating, Costumes, Food, Activities
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Hispanic Heritage Month (September)
Cuffing Season Strategies (Fall)
Pumpkin Products for Pumpkin Day in October
Burning Man
US Open
Olympics End
New York Now Gift Show August 4-7
Mercury in Retrograde Aug. 4 to Aug. 28 in Leo and Virgo
National Wellness Month
Looking forward to Autumn:
While the marketing year may seem like Summer, you should be implementing strategies for selling into Autumn and the Winter Holidays.
Gift guides in major media are important come November, but smart money is on building your brand in advance of the holidays. Here are some steps you should take to set the ball in motion for a great holiday selling season:
· Seek profiles in a variety of media about you as a founder as well as your products and company are some of the best brand builders these days.
· Build up your social media accounts in advance of the holidays – this is an often overlooked, but crucial element to holiday selling success. Social proof on Instagram, LinkedIn, and to a lesser degree TikTok demonstrates to editors, store buyers, and shoppers that your products are highly sought after and will sell well.
· If you have the opportunity to sell on Amazon it’s a great idea to get your shop on that platform updated and looking amazing. Work to get as many positive reviews for your products on Amazon as possible as many gift guide editors look for 500+ reviews when considering which products to feature.